Halloween sending and receiving!

Received mail from Emily in Milford, Ohio and Brittany Ukulele today.  And guess what? In an effort to be 'spook-tacular' I sent mail back to both of them- today!!  :)

Happy Haunting of mailboxes and all things today!

Bewitchingly yours,

Sending and Receiving- love the mail!

I wrote and wrote over the weekend and then I went to my POB today and had some more wonderful letters so I wrote and wrote some tonight, too. Today I received mail from:

Fast Eyes
Emily Michelle

Sending notes/letters/postcards to JD Lowry in Vegas, Uncustomary, Susan Cohen, Shannah in LA, Tony Mc, Nathan in MT, Girlzoot, Kimberly, and Jenn in Indianapolis!

Love mailing!

Received some mail loot!

Thanks to Nathan, Shannah & Uncustomary for the great letters, to JD Lowry for the awesome Louis V postcard, Susan Cohen for the cool artsy postcard, and Jenn in Indy for the sweet note!

Happy Mail,


Mail is riding its Halloween broomstick from my pumpkin patch to Anna in Germany, KDJ, Jeanne in Kansas,  Patsy in Florida, Boxfort Lion, Emily Nelson, hg08, Janet Nolan and Dawn Olsen in Indy!

Happy Mail Day!

Happiness is in the Mail

I received mail today! It's been a hellish week so this was a great boost to me!

Thanks for hg08 for the Halloween postcard! 

Thanks Tony and Janet for the letters!

And thanks to Dawn for the postcard! Dawn "co-instructed" an awesome letter writing social I attended 2 weeks ago! It was great to hear from her!

Mail can make a day better- today is proof!


It's in the mail!

Letter in the mail to my pen-pal bestie Annie Fortunato!

Also mail to uncustomary, Kirk, Georgette, Erin and TheSnailMailer!

Happy Mail!

I got mail!

Thank you to Boxfort, Emily Michelle, and hg08 for the letters!

xoxoxo Happy mail!


Mail on the way to

Cindy Ratti
Nancy Sheller
Sarah Red
Ann in Beaumont, Texas
Kimberly in Fall River, MA
Jeni Looper

Happy Mail!

More mail for me!

I received some great mail today!!! Thanks to Anna in Germany and Jeanne in Kansas for the great letters!

I love the postcard from Kirk!

And KDJ sent me the most, awesome fabulous package of Elvis postcards she made, and a kit to make my own- this was hilarious and FUN and FABULOUS- she is awesome! THANK YOU!

Love a good mail day!


Thanks to Georgette and Patsy for your wonderful letters that I shall soon be responding to!

Happy Mail!