The first massive list

I started sending mail back in March; that's when I joined . Here's the list of all mail sent and received from then until today! (And if you're from sendsomething, I usually post a comment on your profile when I send you something or receive from you!)

RECEIVED 6/28/13: Miss Scotty and April
SENT 6/27/13: postcard to Linsey in Tulsa, and response letters to Kimmie Dearest, Uncustomary, Beatrice, and Meg in Bear, DE
SENT 6/26/13: Kirk, Sarah Red, and Amelia (Lynchburg)
SENT 6/25/13: Jeni Looper, LR McArthur and Ann in Beaumont, TX
RECEIVED 6/24/13: Meg Black
SENT 6/22/13: Christina (Sylmar, CA)
SENT 6/19/13: response letter to Julie McL
RECEIVED 6/17/13: letter and labels from Beatrice
SENT 6/17/13: letter responses to Becky the Snailmailer, KDJ, and A. Fortunato
RECEIVED 6/15/13: Kimmie dearest, Amelia, Ann (Beaumont Texas), Jeni Looper, Sarah Red, uncustomary, Jennifer Erwin
SENT 6/15/13: responded to Anna (Sumter, SC) and Mermeg, and resent postcard to Meg Black
SENT 6/14/93: Denise H (Georgia)
RECEIVED: 6/8/13: Estromberg, Anna (S Carolina), Fortunato, pink traveling postcard
RECEIVED 6/7/13: Patricia Landon
RECEIVED responses 6/5/13: Annie (Colorado) and Julie McLeod; postcard to Meg Black was returned to me today
SENT responses 6/4/13: Amelia, uncustomary, Shannah
RECEIVED responses 6/1/13: Mermeg and Shannah
SENT 5/31/13: postcards to Meg Black, Jenn Erwin, Danya, Krissy Anderson; letter to bobilani, Mrs. Andrews
RECEIVED 5/31/13: the snailmailer, KDJ
SENT 5/30/13: postcards to Cozy, Sarah Red, Erin Flattery, and letter to Jeni Looper; RECEIVED responses from Amelia, LR McArthur, Denise
SENT 5/28/13: letters to estromberg, and Emily in Milfod, OH
RECEIVED 5/27/13: Anna in Sumter, SC; SENT postcards to Cindy Ratti, Erin (Panama City FL)

SENT RESPONSE postcard to Emily Tate& letters to Anna (Sumter SC)& Beth McMillon
SENT 5/24/13: postcards yesterday and I forgot to log those here, nor did I leave comment so they'll be a surprise! RECEIVED responses from uncustomary, Emily Tate, Shannah, April (in Ohio)and 2 from Patricia Landon! RESPONSES SENT to Patricia Landon, Shannah, and April! SENT postcard to Monica P.
SENT 5/22/13: postcards to Cal Kitson and Lauryn
SENT 5/21/13: postcard to Lorraine B
SENT 5/19/13: postcard to Macey S.
SENT 5/18/13: postcards today to Annie Fortunato, Susan Herman, The Book Chick, Amelia in Lynchburg VA, Mermeg (Meg Ruckus), and Ashley Rose Ford.
SENT RESPONSES 5/17/13: letters to Julie McLeod, Georgette, and LR McArthur! SENT postcard to Becky aka TheSnailMailer
SENT 5/15/13: postcards to Beatrice, Douglas Angel, and KDJ; SENT RESPONSE letter to girlonaglide
SENT RESPONSES 5/14/13: letter to Patricia Landon, postcard to Kirk.
RECEIVED 5/13/13: Georgette, Julie, LR McArthur.
SENT RESPONSE 5/6/13: uncustomary
SENT RESPONSES 5/5/13: to April and Shannah; SENT postcards to Tigerlily, Hawkk, Zoe Perry, and Art*Girl (Michele Collette)
SENT 5/4/13: letter to Emily Tate, SENT RESPONSES to Kimmie, Kellie, and Denise; SENT postcards to Liz Lee, Anna, Courtney D., and Gabby!
RECEIVED 4/28/13: April and Kirk
RECEIVED 4/22/13: package from Bet, letters from Shannah and Denise
SENT postcard 4/18/13: April Phillips
SENT 4/17/13 LR McArthur,Julie, and Alannah!
RECEIVED letter 4/15/13: girlonaglide
RECEIVED RESPONSE postcard 4/15/13 Kimmie, letter from unacustomary!
SENT notes 4/9/13: JD Lowery, Mandi Pants.
SENT postcards 4/8/13: chelle and Fiona Webster
SENT postcard 4/4/13: Wolfey
SENT package 4/5/13: Zane K in Latvia, and postcard to Stephanie in Michigan
RECEIVED 4/4/13: LR McArthur
SENT 4/4/13: Shannah, Brittany H, Meagan Delao, Salad Radish, Georgette, Jackie Jones, Sara B, Rebecca Resinski
RECEIVED reply 4/2/13: Kellie C
SENT postcard 3/27/13: Kimmie Dearest
SENT letter 3/24/13: Stephanie
RECEIVED 3/22/13: Zane and Denise
SENT RESPONSE 3/22/13: Denise
SENT 3/22/13: Jill, Kellie C., Kirk, LR McArthur, Jess, Patricia Landon, Uncustomary
SENT 3/14/13: St. Patrick cards to ten people
RECEIVED 3/14/13: Uncustomary (3rd letter!), Julie and Alannah
RECEIVED 3/11/13: uncustomary and Patricia Landon
SENT 3/3/13: Cheryl and Denise

Happy mailing,
Maggie Mae

The Purpose of this Blog


The main purpose of this blog is to help me organize myself.

I belong to a wonderful web site for pen-paling called and I receive and send LOTS of mail. I've found that sendsomething isn't conducive to helping me organize to whom I send and from whom  I receive. I send quite a bit of mail (I know, not as much as other folks, but lots for me!) so I want to make sure I have myself in order!

This will also be a good spot for senders and receivers to check. People can see if I sent them something and when, for example. We mail senders are a busy lot and keeping track of all the ins and outs of our letters can be a big job- for those of us who are OCD, that is!

This will be a list of my sending and receiving habits mostly. Other times I might blog about something amazing I received or pictures of my feeble attempts at mail art. I could also blog about my thoughts regarding the postal service, fun stamps I bought, the art of letter writing, or just whatever strikes my fancy that has to do with mail!

I love mail!